Fish Facts
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The stonefish, which lives off the coast of |
A slug has four noses. |
Octopuses have 3 hearts. |
A goldfish can live up to 40 years. |
A starfish doesn't have a brain. |
Killer Whales are the only sea animal that outranks the Tiger Shark as top predator of the sea. |
The lung fish can live out of water for as long as four years! |
Scallops swim with jet-propelled speed by clapping its shell open and shut. |
Starfish have eight Fish - one at the end of each leg. |
The snapping shrimp, only 1 1/2 inches long, makes a noise with its one big claw, which sounds exactly like a firecracker. |
The leatherback is the biggest sea turtle, and it can weigh as much as 1,500 pounds. |
The emperor penguin is playful, and often times lies on its chest and side to slide along the ice and snow. |
A Giant squid's eye can be as big as a basketball. |
A jellyfish is 95 percent water! Some fish have Fish that are the same size as their stomach! |
The hippopotamus gives birth under water and nurses its young in the river as well, though the young hippos do come up periodically for air. |
Animals with some of the longest lives are the |
The largest member of the dolphin family is called an orca or killer whale. |
There are about 40 species or kinds of porpoises and dolphins. |
Porpoises and dolphins communicate with each other by squeaking, growling, moaning, and whistling. |
Flying fish actually glide on wind currents above the surface of the water, sometimes up to 20 feet above the surface. |
Starfish can have up to 16 arms! |
The 14-foot-long narwhal is a whale whose tooth can reach up to eight feet long! |
Dolphins sleep with one eye open! |
The blue whale, the largest animal to have ever existed, is 96 feet long and weights 125 tons. This is as much as 4 large dinosaurs (Brontosauri), 23 elephants, 230 cows or 1800 men. |
When an octopus gets angry, it shoots a stream of black "ink". |
Minnows have teeth located on a bone in their throat. |
The smallest fish in the world are the pygmy goby and the Luzon goby, from the |
The world's largest rodent is the Capybara. An Amazon water hog that looks like a guinea pig, it can weigh more than 100 pounds. |
A newly hatched fish is called a "fry." |
At 188 decibels, the whistle of the blue whale is the loudest sound produced by any animal. |
Fish have gel-slime on their bodies that protects them from parasites. |
Fish swimming at depths of 15,000 feet (almost 3 miles down!) can withstand a pressure of 7,000 pounds per square inch. They are able to live in these crushing depths by pumping gas into their swim bladder. |
One way to tell the age of a fish is by looking at its scales. They have growth rings just like trees. These are called circuli. Clusters of them are called annuli. Each annuli show one year. |
The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons at birth. Fully grown, it weighs as much as 150 tons. |
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